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Birgé Pictures
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Jean-Jacques Birgé

Music composer, film director, multimedia author, improviser, specialist of realtime synthesis instruments, artistic director...

Website (English version):
Blog (French only)
Interactive modules:,, et

Installations : Nabaz'mob, Les Portes

After his studies at Idhec (Institut des Hautes Etudes Cinématographiques), Jean-Jacques Birgé conceives a passion for images and sounds, and particularly for their potential to produce sense and create emotions. Birgé considers sound as a counterpoint to pictures and dialogue, an extraordinary off-stage landscape and a wide opened window to imagination.

In 1975 he founded the record label GRRR and in 1976 the group Un Drame Musical Instantané. He composes for movies (I.Barrère, D.Belloir, D.Cabrera, P.Desgraupes, P.Morize, F.Reichenbach, F.Romand, J.Rouxel, R.Sangla, M.Trillat, la Cinémathèque Albert Kahn...), dance (J.Gaudin, K.Saporta...), photography (Arles), theater, radio, and records about 30 albums. On stage, he plays live on silent movies (26 since 1976) as well as improvising and producing multimedia shows. For "Le K" with Richard Bohringer he was nominated at the 9ièmes Victoires de la Musique.

As a moviemaker, 20 years after "La nuit du phoque " (issued on DVD with the reissue of the cult-record "défense de"), he directed "Vis à vis : Idir et Johnny Clegg a capella". He received a BAFTA (British Academy Award) and the Jury Award in Locarno 1994 collectively for "Sarajevo: a street under siege", and his short "The Sniper" was shown in more than 1000 theaters.  

A specialist for realtime synthesis music instruments, he always lived among new technologies which offer to conceive strange and iconoclast objects. Simultaneously to his work as a sound designer for exhibitions-shows ("Il était une fois la fête foraine", "The Extraordinary Museum", "The Laying of the Hands", "Passerelle", "Le Siècle Métro", "Jours de Cirque", "L'argent"...), websites (BDDP-TBWA, Laurent-Perrier, Ville de Lyon, Compagnie Générale des Eaux, Rencontres Numer, Determinism, Else, Virtools, Adidas, Ptits reperes, Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Musée de l'Immigration...), and CD-Roms ("At the Circus with Seurat", "Fenêtre sur l'Art", "Europrix 98", "AZ", "Firmenich", "Le DVD-Rom du Louvre", "Le Grand Jeu", "Sethi et la couronne d'Egypte", "Mr Men" series, 9 Cahiers "Passeport", 4"Salto & Zelia", "Domicile d'Ange Heureux"...), he asserts himself as a multimedia author with "Carton" (Enhanced-CD where an original game refers to each song), "Machiavel" (interactive video scratch of 111 loops, with Antoine Schmitt), and "Alphabet", created with Frédéric Durieu and Murielle Lefèvre from Kveta Pacovska's book for children (Grand Prix Möbius International 2000, Prix Multimédia de la SACD 2000, Coup de coeur Trophées SVM Mac, Prix de la meilleure adpatation au Festival de Bologne en Italie, La Mention Spéciale au Salon du Livre de Jeunesse à Montreuil, First Prize CineKid en Hollande, GigaMaus en Allemagne, First Prize Package MMCA au Japon, et aux USA : Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Award 2002, Parents’ Choice Silver Honor 2001, Award of Excellence 2001, Software Magic Award Parenting Magazine 2001, Children’s Software Review All Star Award 2001, Choosing Children’s Software Best Pick 2001, Best Software Pick Edutaining 2001).

With this CD-Rom he inaugurates a new direction of work based generativity and interactivity which let the player to discover each time a new interpretation (on-line et off-line). He regularly collaborates to creation sites (with F.Durieu) and (with N.Clauss).
For he gets the Prix SCAM 2002 of the Best Internet Site meilleur site and the NarrowCast Content Award 2002 ... For "Ulchiro" on he gets the Prix du Centre Pompidou FlashFestival 2002 ...
Somnambules, together with Nicolas Clauss and Didier Silhol, got the Special Prize of Jury Senef 2003 (Seoul Net Festival), Prix de la Création Nouveaux Médias 2004 (Vidéoformes), 1st Prix France Telecom R&D Oone (Art Rock Festival), Prix SACD de la Création Interactive 2004, Prix ARS Electronica Net Vision / Net Excellence Honorary Mention 2004 (Austria) and is nominated among the 5 strangest sites at Yahoo! Best of 10 Years.

Besides his daily blog, Birgé wites in many magazines and teaches the relation between sound and pictures.
He designed the sound of Nabaztag, the smart rabbit, as well as Mir:ror and Dal:dal (Violet).

His last album, Etablissement d'un ciel d'alternance, is a duo with writer Michel Houellebecq.

He actually plays live with Vincent Segal (cello), and together with Antoine Schmitt (Nabaz'mob, opera for 100 smart rabbits, Prix Ars Eletronica Award of Distinction Digital Musics).
Actually on line 23 films from collection Révélations (Samsung) directed by P.O. Lévy and for which Birgé was A.D. and composer.